The Four Types of BPD

  1. Discouraged BPD-

-impairments in self-functioning, unstable or poor self-image, chronic feelings of emptiness, instability in goals, values, career plans, or general aspirations

-impairments in interpersonal functioning

-loyalty, even to an excessive degree

-pliant and easily swayed by others, even when it goes against one’s own desires

-submissive and passive, even when desiring a leading role

-humble as a result of low self-esteem, insecurity, and vulnerability

-constant feelings of vulnerability and weakness

-constant feelings of being in jeapordy

-feeling hopeless, helpless, powerless, and depressed

-excessive dependence on others

-tearful episodes

-feelings of emptiness

-self-persecution and self-victimization, believing others are constantly attacking

-destruction or intentional loss of belongings

-reliance on fantasy as a means to escape

-chronic or recurring illness complaints, sometimes somatic

-self-deprivation-rooted in feelings of worthlessness

-substance abuse

2. Impulsive BPD-

-most charismatic of the four types

-has much in common with histrionic personality disorder

-flirtacious with others, sometimes without realizing it

-captivating, able to act with a natural magnbetism

-elusive and mercurial

-superficial. easily entertain others on a surface level but avoid more meaningful interactions and relationships

-high levels of energy, easily bored

-thrill-seeking and risk-taking behaviors without regard for consequences

-attention-seeking behavior

-charismatic and charming


-highly manipulative

-complaints of chronic or recurring illness

3. Petulant Borderline

-an inability to express feelings

-outbursts of anger

-feelings of being unworthy or unloved

-socially anxious

-extreme fear of abandonment

-a need to control others

-experience dissatisfaction in relationships

-co-occuring disorders

-paranoia in relationships

-self-harm tendencies

-intense mood swings

-poses ultimatums in relationships

-“proving” that someone dosen’t love them

-constantly searching for validation

-push and pull in relationships

-wanting others to feel guilty for their actions, or lack of actions



-shutting others out of their lives

-uses suicidal behavior to control others

4. Self-destructive Borderline

-intense feelings of self-loathing (self-hatred)

-prone to self-harm

-often depressed

-feelings of bitterness

-look for comfort through attention from others

-suicidal behaviors

-self-injurous behaviors

-substance abuse

-engage in reckless behaviors out of lack of self-care

-tend to sabotage their own happiness and well-being due to feelings of being undeserving

-unstable self-image (lack of identity)

-believes no one cares about them so they don’t care about themselves

-unstable emotions

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